2025 RBGC Shootout Competition – New Structure Following some valuable member feedback it has been decided to make some changes to the 2025 Shootout competition. These changes are intended to re-invigorate the competition, encourage currently lapsed members to enter again and to create a more even playing field for members with varying handicaps. Click here for the full summary of the new approach – some key highlights are: 1. There will be three qualifying periods in 2025 as below, & a minimum of 5 cards must be submitted by a member during each period. 10 January – 30 April 1 May – 31 July 1 August – 15 November 2. The two best Shootout scores per member in each qualifying period (i.e., total of six scores) are aggregated to determine the Shootout finalists. 3. The number of finalists in both men’s & women’s competitions depends on how may entries have been received. The minimum number of finalists is 10 and the maximum is 19. 4. The final date for entry is 28th February 2025. Please read the document linked above for all the details regarding entry dates, cost & plans for the Shootout Final. We hope to see a good number of members enjoying this competition more this year! Thank you, RBGC Match Committee |